This code is a beta release of the authentication class I’ve been developing for some time. Expect this page to be fairly dynamic while I complete it and work out the last of the ‘features’.
It’s now easily extendable and I’ve included an extended include file as well as the main class file. Granted I still have some work to do on making the authentication functions themselves simple enough to extend without any challenges. (And then of course to document them.)
Please feel free to contact me if you’re planning on trying it out. Use the contact form on the left. For the moment I’m more than happy to work with people on getting it running in a grander effort to ensure it’s 100% ready.
<? require 'phpauth.class'; Class Auth extends PHPAuth { // The following parameters should be set to match // your database and server. public $session_name = '***'; protected $dbhost = '***'; protected $database = '***'; protected $dbuser = '***'; protected $dbpass = '***'; protected $dbusertable = '***'; public $reqlogin = 0; public $retainrequest = 0; public $promptlogin = 'http://www.domain.dom/loginform.html'; public $postlogin = ''; public $postlogout = 'http://www.domain.dom'; public $postfailure = 'http://www.domain.dom/authfailed.html'; public $accessdenied = 'http://www.domain.dom/403.html'; public $reqperm = 0; protected $debug = 0; } $auth = new Auth(); if(isset($postlogin) && is_string($postlogin)) $auth->postlogin = $postlogin; if(isset($retainrequest) && $retainrequest) $auth->retainrequest = 1; $auth->setup_login(); $auth->showsetup(); $auth->start_login(); ?> phpauth.class <? /* * * Copyright (C) 2005 James Bly * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Version 0.91.1 * * Todo (by priority): * Make auth function calls easily extendable * Fix timeouts * Get rid of postgres error messages in dbstatus * Check all calls under request() for possible injection points * Add line number to all log messages * Add comments to all functions/variables * Configuration flag to enforce SSL auth * * WARNING: This code is beta and shouldn't be used for * production purposes. It also might have holes and security * issues as only a cursory review has been done prior to its * release. Use it at your own risk. * */ class PHPAuth { // Variable holders for the current page and session protected $sessid = ''; protected $sess_timeout = 20; protected $auth_timeout = 20; public $reqlogin = 0; public $retainrequest = 0; public $promptlogin = ''; public $postlogin = ''; public $postlogout = ''; public $postfailure = ''; public $accessdenied = ''; public $reqperm = 0; protected $timeout = 1200; // 20 minute (1200 second) timeout private $phpauthaction = ''; // login, logout, etc private $instance = 0; private $action = ''; private $requested = ''; // The following parameters should be set to match // your database and server. protected $session_name = 'extend this class!'; protected $dbhost = 'extend this class!'; protected $database = 'extend this class!'; protected $dbuser = 'extend this class!'; protected $dbpass = 'extend this class!'; protected $dbusertable = 'extend this class!'; protected $debug = 0; // added calls to self::logger if set to 2, just comment info if 1 private $special = array(); // For tracking special debug messages in showsetup() private $logauth = 1; private $conn = null; // holder for the database connection private $authkey = ''; private $authuser = ''; private $authpass = ''; // Variable holders for the server settings private $method = ''; private $host = ''; private $file = ''; private $params = array(); function __construct() { $this->instance = rand(1000,9999); self::debug("__construct", "start for instance %s", $this->instance); self::get_vars(); // setup all the variables that auth needs self::debug("__construct", "received request for %s", $this->requested); if(!self::checkrequired()) // check that required details are present { self::logger("checkrequired - requirements not met"); exit("phpauth requirements not met"); } error_reporting(E_ALL); } public function setup_login() { self::authsession(); // startup the session if($this->reqlogin && !$this->getuser()) $this->action = 'login'; } public function start_login() { if(strlen($this->action) > 0) switch($this->action) { case 'login': if(!$this->authuser || !$this->authpass) { self::debug("__construct", "finish for instance %s, sending to promptlogin", $this->instance); self::redirect("promptlogin", array('redirect'=> urlencode($_SESSION['requested']))); exit; } else { self::dologin($this->authuser, $this->authpass); self::debug("__construct", "dologin returned %s for %s", $this->authkey, $this->authuser); if(!$this->authkey || strlen($this->authkey) <= 0) { self::debug("__construct", "finish for instance %s, sending to postfailure", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); self::debug("__construct", "authentication failed for user: %s", $this->authuser); self::redirect("postfailure"); exit; } else { self::debug("__construct", "setting up authenticated session"); $_SESSION['authkey'] = $this->authkey; $_SESSION['authuser'] = $this->authuser; self::debug("__construct", "finish for instance %s, sending to postlogin", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); if(self::is_key("redirect", $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['redirect']) { self::debug("__construct", "postlogin redirecting to session redirect"); $redir = self::request_session("redirect"); session_unregister("redirect"); self::redirect($redir); } else { self::debug("__construct", "postlogin redirecting to supplied redirect"); self::redirect($this->postlogin); } exit; } } break; case 'logout': self::dologout($this->authuser); self::debug("__construct", "construct finish for instance %s, logout completed", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); exit; break; default: self::debug("__construct", "Unknown authentication: %s", $this->action); self::debug("__construct", "construct finish for instance %s, action request failure", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); exit("Unknown authentication: " . $this->action); break; } if(self::is_key("authkey", $_SESSION) && self::is_key("authuser", $_SESSION)) { if(self::validateauth($_SESSION['authuser'], $_SESSION['authkey'])) { self::updateauth($_SESSION['authuser'], $_SESSION['authkey']); if(self::getperm($_SESSION['authuser']) < $this->reqperm) { self::debug("__construct", "%s failed required permissions level for %s", $this->authuser, $this->file); self::debug("__construct", "construct finish for instance %s, sending to accessdenied", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); if($this->accessdenied) self::redirect("accessdenied"); else self::redirect(sprintf("%s://%s", $this->method, $this->host)); exit; } } else { self::debug("__construct", "construct finish for instance %s, forcing logout", $this->instance); self::dologout($_SESSION['authuser']); } } self::debug("__construct", "construct finish for instance %s, reached end", $this->instance); self::debug("__construct", "-------------------------------------------------------"); } private function dologin($user, $pass, $case = 0) { switch($case) { case '1'; break; case '2': $user = strtolower($user); $pass = strtolower($pass); break; default: $user = strtolower($user); break; } self::dbconnect(); if(self::dbstatus()) { $sql = sprintf("select id,lower(userid),password from %s where lower(userid) = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, $user); self::debug("dologin", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); $data = self::dbquery($sql); self::dbclose(); $x = count($data); if($x > 1) { self::logger(sprintf("dologin error: dbquery returned more than one match for %s", $user)); return 0; } else if ($x == 0) { self::logger(sprintf("dologin error: dbquery cannot find user %s", $user)); return 0; } $dbpass = $data[0]['password']; if(preg_match("/(md5|sha1)?:?(.*)/", $dbpass, $matches)) { if($matches[1] == '') $matches[1] = 'md5'; $hashmeth = $matches[1]; $truehash = $matches[2]; } $hashpass = self::mkhashpass($pass, $hashmeth); if($hashpass == $truehash) { self::debug("dologin", "authentication successful for %s", $user); $this->authkey = self::genauthkey(); $sql = sprintf("update %s set authkey = '%s', timeexp = %d, lastauth = %d where lower(userid) = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, $this->authkey, time() + $this->timeout, time(), $user); self::debug("dologin", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); self::dbquery($sql); self::debug("dologin", "setting authkey to %s", $this->authkey); if($this->logauth) self::logger(sprintf("authentication successful for %s", $user)); return $this->authkey; } return 0; } } private function dologout() { if(self::is_key("authkey", $_SESSION) && self::is_key("authuser", $_SESSION)) { self::dbconnect(); $sql = sprintf("update %s set authkey = '' where lower(userid) = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, $_SESSION['authuser']); self::debug("dologout", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); self::dbquery($sql); self::dbclose(); if($this->logauth) self::logger(sprintf("authentication logout for %s", $_SESSION['authuser'])); session_unregister('authkey'); session_unregister('authuser'); } if($this->postlogout) self::redirect("postlogout"); else self::redirect(sprintf("%s://%s", $this->method, $this->host)); } public function getperm($userid = 0) { if(!$userid) $userid = self::getuser(); $sql = sprintf("select permissions from %s where lower(userid) = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, $userid); self::debug("getperm", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); $data = self::dbquery($sql); if($data < 1) return -1; else return $data[0]["permissions"]; } private function updateauth($userid, $authkey) { $sql = sprintf("update %s set timeexp = %d, authkey = '%s' where lower(userid) = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, (time() + $this->timeout), $authkey, $userid); self::debug("updateauth", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); self::dbquery($sql); } private function validateauth($userid, $authkey) { $opendb = 0; if(!self::dbstatus()) $opendb = 1; if($opendb) self::dbconnect(); $sql = sprintf("select id from %s where lower(userid) = '%s' and authkey = '%s'", $this->dbusertable, $userid, $authkey); self::debug("validateauth", "calling dbquery(%s)", $sql); $data = self::dbquery($sql); if(count($data) < 1) return 0; self::updateauth($userid, $authkey); if($opendb) self::dbclose(); return 1; } public function getuser() { if(self::is_key("authuser", $_SESSION)) return $_SESSION['authuser']; else return null; } private function dbconnect() { $constr = sprintf("host=%s port=5432 dbname=%s user=%s password=%s", $this->dbhost, $this->database, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass); if(!self::dbstatus()) $this->conn = pg_connect($constr); if(!self::dbstatus()) self::logger("dbconnect: connection failed"); } private function dbclose() { if(self::dbstatus()) pg_close($this->conn); } private function dbstatus() { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING); if(pg_connection_status($this->conn) === PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) { self::debug("dbstatus", "connection ok"); error_reporting(E_ALL); return 1; } else { self::debug("dbstatus", "connection failed"); error_reporting(E_ALL); return 0; } } private function dbquery($sql) { $data = array(); $opendb = 0; if(!self::dbstatus()) $opendb = 1; if($opendb) self::dbconnect(); if(!self::dbstatus()) { self::debug("dbquery", "can't find connection"); return null; } $result = pg_query($this->conn, $sql); self::debug(sprintf("dbquery", "check status: %s", pg_connection_status($this->conn))); $data = pg_fetch_all($result); if($opendb) self::dbclose(); return $data; } public function get_settings() { return array('promptlogin' => $this->promptlogin, 'postlogin' => $this->postlogin, 'postfailure' => $this->postfailure, 'accessdenied' => $this->accessdenied, 'reqperm' => $this->reqperm, 'phpauthaction' => $this->phpauthaction); } private function redirect($where, $vars = array()) { $split = 1; self::debug("redirect", "sending to %s with vars:\n%s", $where, var_export($vars, 1)); if(!$where) { self::debug("redirect", "received null where value"); exit; } if(self::is_prop($where)) { if(strstr($this->$where, "?")) $split = 0; $qs = self::query_string($vars, array(), $split); self::debug(sprintf("redirect", "is_prop: sending %s%s", $this->$where, $qs)); header("Location: " . $this->$where . $qs); } else { if(strstr($where, "?")) $split = 0; $qs = self::query_string($vars, array(), $split); self::debug(sprintf("redirect", "not is_prop: sending %s%s", $where, $qs)); header(sprintf("Location: %s", $where . $qs)); } } private function is_prop($what) { if(in_array($what, array('promptlogin', 'postlogin', 'postlogout', 'postfailure', 'accessdenied', 'reqperm', 'phpauthaction', 'instance', 'reqlogin', 'action'))) return true; return false; } private function rebuildrequest($uri, $params = array()) { $uri .= self::query_string($params, array("phpauth")); return $uri; } private function query_string($vars = array(), $filter = array(), $split = 1) { $uri = ''; $final = array(); $x = count($vars); if($x == 0) return $uri; if($split) $uri .= '?'; else $uri .= '&'; foreach(array_keys($vars) as $p) { if(in_array($p, $filter)) { self::debug("query_string", "filtering out %s", $p); continue; } $final[$p] = $vars[$p]; } $uri .= http_build_query($final); self::debug("query_string", "built %s", $uri); return $uri; } public function mkhashpass($password, $hash = 'md5', $header = 0) { switch($hash) { case 'md5': return sprintf("%s%s", ($header)?'md5:':'', bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_MD5, $password))); case 'sha1': return sprintf("%s%s", ($header)?'sha1:':'', bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $password))); } } private function request($item, $len = 0, $regex = '') { $data = ''; if(isset($_GET[$item])) $data = ($len)?substr($_GET[$item], 0, $len):$_GET[$item]; if(isset($_POST[$item])) $data = ($len)?substr($_POST[$item], 0, $len):$_POST[$item]; if(strlen($regex) && !preg_match($regex, $data)) return FALSE; if($data) return $data; return FALSE; } private function request_session($item, $len = 0, $regex = '') { $data = ''; if(isset($_SESSION[$item])) $data = ($len)?substr($_SESSION[$item], 0, $len):$_SESSION[$item]; if(strlen($regex) && !preg_match($regex, $data)) return FALSE; if($data) return $data; return FALSE; } private function checkrequired() { return 1; // alls well that ends well - holder } public function showsetup($return = 0) { $settings = array(); $settings['special'] = $this->special; $settings['get_settings'] = self::get_settings(); $settings['reqlogin'] = $this->reqlogin; $settings['retainrequest'] = $this->retainrequest; $settings['reqperm'] = $this->reqperm; $settings['timeout'] = $this->timeout; $settings['phpauthaction'] = $this->phpauthaction; $settings['action'] = $this->action; $settings['requested'] = $this->requested; $settings['session_name'] = $this->session_name; $settings['dbhost'] = $this->dbhost; $settings['database'] = $this->database; $settings['dbuser'] = $this->dbuser; $settings['dbpass'] = $this->dbpass; $settings['dbusertable'] = $this->dbusertable; $settings['authkey'] = $this->authkey; $settings['authuser'] = $this->authuser; $settings['authpass'] = $this->authpass; $settings['SESSION'] = $_SESSION; $settings['COOKIE'] = $_COOKIE; $settings['SERVER'] = $_SERVER; if($return) return $settings; else printf("<!--\n%s\n-->", var_export($settings, 1)); } private function get_vars() { $qs = array(); if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) $this->method="https"; else $this->method="http"; $this->host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $this->file = preg_replace("/(.*)\?.*/", "$1", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $qs); self::debug("get_vars", "parse_str provides: %s for %s", var_export($qs, 1), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $this->requested = sprintf("%s://%s%s%s", $this->method, $this->host, $this->file, self::query_string($qs, array("phpauth", "as"), 1)); self::debug("get_vars", "set requested: %s", $this->requested); $this->authuser = strtolower(self::request("authuser", 60, '/^[A-Za-z0-9\@\.\-]*$/')); $this->authpass = self::request("authpass", 40); } private function authsession() { if(is_array($_COOKIE) && in_array('sessid', array_keys($_COOKIE))) $this->sessid = $_COOKIE['sessid']; if(strlen($this->sessid) < 32) { $this->sessid = self::genauthkey(); setcookie("sessid", $this->sessid); session_id($this->sessid); session_set_cookie_params(60*$this->sess_timeout, '/', $this->host, 0); } session_name($this->session_name); session_start(); $_SESSION['sessid'] = $this->sessid; $_SESSION['testkey'] = self::genauthkey(); $_SESSION['requested'] = $this->requested; $this->action = self::request("phpauth", 30, '/^[A-Za-z]*$/'); if(self::is_key("authkey", $_SESSION)) $this->authkey = self::request_session("authkey", 40, '/^[A-Za-z0-9]*$/'); if(self::is_key("authuser", $_SESSION)) $this->authuser = self::request_session("authuser", 40, '/^[A-Za-z0-9\@\.\-]*$/'); self::debug("authsession", "set SESSION to: " . var_export($_SESSION, 1)); if(!$this->retainrequest && self::is_key('requested', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['requested']) { $_SESSION['redirect'] = self::request_session("requested"); } else if(!$this->retainrequest && $this->postlogin) { $_SESSION['redirect'] = $this->postlogin; } } public function genauthkey() { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $seed = rand(100000000,999999999); return bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_MD5, $ip . $seed)); } public function is_key($needle = '', $haystack = array()) { if(is_array($haystack) && strlen($needle) > 0 && count($haystack) > 0) if(in_array($needle, array_keys($haystack))) return true; else return false; else return false; } public function plogger($message) { self::logger("public $message"); } private function logger($message) { //syslog(LOG_NOTICE, sprintf("phpauth[%s]: %s", $this->instance, $message)); //file_put_contents("/tmp/authout.log", sprintf("phpauth[%s]: %s\n", $this->instance, $message), FILE_APPEND); array_push($this->special, $message); } private function debug() { if($this->debug < 2) return; $a = func_get_args(); $fn = sprintf("%s():", array_shift($a)); $f = array_shift($a); self::logger(vsprintf(sprintf("%-20s%s", $fn, $f), $a)); } } ?>